Russian Embassy- Call to Action 11-30-15

SAC calls on all members to call the Russian Embassy at (202) 298-5700 and demand that:
  1. Russia stop attacking Syrian civilians, including the Turkmen minority, and that it cease using internationally-banned weapons.
  2. Russia apologize to Turkey for violating its airspace and for targeting the aid convoys and facilities of a Turkish humanitarian organization.
  3. Russia lift all sanctions on the Turkish people. 
Call the White House at (202) 456-1111 and demand that:
  1. The U.S. strongly condemn Russia for its brutal attacks on innocent Syrian and Turkish civilians in Syria.
  2. The U.S. demand an apology from Russia frequently violating the airspace of Turkey, a NATO ally, in defiance of international law.
  3. The U.S. establish a no-fly zone and a safe zone in Syria to protect civilians, as Turkey has long called for.
SAC also calls upon members to contact the U.S. Congress at this link to call on them to stand with the Syrian and Turkish people and take strong steps to respond to Russia's aggression.