Donation - monthly

No bank account: This page will not work until you add a bank account
  • Amount 1
  • Your Info 2
  • Payment 3
Your credit card will be billed automatically every month
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Contributions are tax deductible.

Donation pages allow you to accept credit card donations. This is an example of a page that accepts reoccurring monthly payments, but you can also accept one-time payments. Click here to learn more about monthly payments.

Donation pages supports goals for both donors and amount donated, automatic public recognition of recent donors, and autoresponse thank you emails. You can link your donation page to credit card processing with or without a merchant account through providers including Democracy Engine, PayPal, SagePay, Payflow Pro and In the page settings, you can set minimums and maximums for amounts, and goals for total amount or number of donors. It allows you to show the most recent public donation and to create an introduction with text and/or video. Use the page settings to auto-tag donors, assign them to a point person, and notify a member of your nation by email of any new donations.