What greater way than through song to let the children of Syria know we stand with them and to share their difficult story with the rest of us.
The violence against civilians in the northwestern province of Idlib shows no signs of stopping. The most vulnerable population at risk in Idlib are the children who live under constant fear of the bombing campaign by Russian- and Iranian- backed Syrian regime forces. One child has been killed per day, on average, over the last year in Idlib.
Our very own chair of missions and singer-songwriter, Dylan Connor sheds light on Idlib’s children in his latest song “If Only You’d Listen,” a song of hope born from the tragedy in Idlib. Dylan was inspired by a photograph from Idlib of a father reaching out for his children who were dangling off the edge of their house after it had been bombed from the air. It is a haunting appeal, written from the point of view of a child to the international community, to listen to their plight and to open their hearts to the children of Syria.
Watch and share the video below, using the hashtags #IdlibUnderFire #WhatIdlibTaughtMe and #EyesOnIdlib.
Follow Dylan on the song’s website, and heed his call by taking action today for Idlib.
Contact your members of Congress today and ask that they lend their voices by urgently calling on the U.S. to work with the international community to do the following:
- Sanction Russia for its atrocities in Syria;
- Demand the administration work with international community to stop the bombing against Syrian civilians by Russia and Assad;
- Provide cross-border aid without consent of the Assad regime.
Thank you.