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WHO ARE THE REBELS? We know them and Congress should support them. Failure to act now could mean U.S. ground troops later. Written By: Mohammed Alaa Ghanem and Shlomo Bolts, August 2014
IT STARTED IN SYRIA Why Stopping ISIS Requires Action in Syria – And Why We Can Not Wait Another Day. Written By: Mohammed Alaa Ghanem and Shlomo Bolts, June 2014
PREVENTING THE FALL OF ALEPPO A Strategic Analysis of Regime Barrel Bombings and ISIS Influence in Aleppo Province. Written By: Mohammed Alaa Ghanem and Shlomo Bolts, February 2014
DISILLUSION IN SYRIA’S ARMED OPPOSITION America’s Arms-Length Approach to Syria is Backfiring. Nominally Western-supported opposition groups are rapidly losing members and losing ground, due in large part to ambivalent American policy. Written by: Mohammed Alaa Ghanem, October 2013
THE SYRIAN CRISIS: A PLAN OF ACTION A comprehensive strategy to resolve the Syrian crisis in view of U.S. interests. Written By Mohammed Alaa Ghanem and Jason T. Hunt, August 2013
SYRIA: A CLEAR PATH A policy brief produced by SAC and adopted by the Coalition for a Democratic Syria, which is being used to brief members of the US government on the crisis in Syria. The policy brief analyzes many facets of the crisis and delineates a comprehensive strategy for the US government to pursue. The plan of action comprehensively addresses the conflict with a view to bringing about about a positive outcome. Written By Mohammed Alaa Ghanem and Jason T. Hunt, April 2013